Tuesday, May 10, 2011

{Cinco de Mayo}

Or as I like to call it:

Also known as one of my favorite holidays/days of the year!
We made shrimp tacos with corn & black beans, 
ate homemade guacamole and my favorite salsa (wholly yum. seriously.),
and drank pineapple and strawberry Jarritos.

I had convinced the boyfriend to watch Nacho Libre, one of my favorites,
but somehow after all that food, dishes & relaxing, I fell asleep before we turned it on. 
Well played Christopher, well played.


  1. Oh YUM! That looks delicious!

    We don't celebrate cinco de mayo much here in Canada but my husband is half mexican so tacos, lime and guacamole = major love!!!

    I even learned ho to make the taco breads in one of Robert Rodriguez' s 10 Minute Cooking School :)
    Virginie’s Cinema

  2. Yum! That is definitely on my cooking to-do list, I would love to hand make my own tortillas!

    ❤ Katherine


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