Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Prescott Tour: Cuppers

As a two year Arizona native, I'm a little embarrassed to admit that I haven't taken the time to visit a few of the state's most popular destinations. Namely, Prescott and Tucson. Thankfully, my mama is always game to travel around the state and experience new things on her vacations, so we made the trek up to Prescott on Saturday.

Naturally, our first stop was a coffee shop. After some quick yelp research, we decided that Cuppers was the best place to go and set off on foot in search of the bright red overhang. On the journey, we stumbled on a full fledged weekend fair, some hottie firemen, and what seemed like the entire town bustling around the court house eating picnics and soaking in the beautiful sun. I felt a little like we had teleported to Stars Hallow and no one told me.

It was pretty adorable and homey on the inside. We sat down at a table topped with postcards from someone's world travels, and planned out the rest of our day. Our plans included lunch at a yelp-approved restaurant, antiquing, hottie fireman oogling, and checking out the fair. All in a days work.

I mean, right? Also, I've got to get my hands on those posters. 

A great success. We cheers-ed our mexican chocolate americanos and felt caffeinated enough to take on the day. It was great! I'd definitely stop by again the next time I'm in town. 



  1. I don't think you can be a two-year Arizona Native unless you're two years old. ;)

    I've lived in both Tucson and Phoenix (lived in Tucson from 5 to college, then 21-26). It has its own charm, I love it!

  2. You got some great pictures and that Iced coffee looks yummy. I have not been to Prescott in like 2 1/2 yrs but its a cute town.

  3. I was just thinking the Mr. and I should take a trip up there this weekend... in need of more tips on places to stop please!

  4. I love Prescott. My husband and I got married in Prescott, randomly. We visited friends' parents there for the first time while engaged and fell in love with it. And there is ALWAYS something going on in the town square around the courthouse.

    Where did you eat lunch?

  5. I must visit! Lovely photos! :D


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