When my mom & I traveled up to Prescott for the day, we had absolutely no plans set in stone. I had heard Prescott is a cute town that it offered great antiquing, but didn't have any recommendations outside of that.
The drive up was not bad at all. About an hour and a half of crusin along looking at wide open views and beautiful skies. We kept an eye on the thermostat as it continued to drop a few degrees as we went further and further north. A break from the inferno in Phoenix was so nice!
An hour and a half later we arrived. First stop,
We toured the cute fair, sampled homemade candies, smelled special soaps and lotions, saw the the work proudly displayed by local artists. As the day went on, the ominous clouds begin rolling in and we knew our picturesque sunny summer day was coming to an end.
And wow, did it ever! We made it through one antique shop and lunch before the skies opened up and dumped what seemed like GALLONS of rain and hail. It was a beautiful sight from inside, so we continued hopping into different stores to wait it out. Once our chance was clear, we be-lined for the car to trek back to Phoenix. It was a little scary of a drive, but brought me right back to living in Seattle. A bittersweet, frightening moment!
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