Thursday, August 23, 2012

Carmel's & A Summer Vacation

Everyone deserves a summer vacation. A glorious getaway from all of life's excitement and stressers. A week or two to turn off your brain, stop responding to emails, hold the pinteresting/internet lurking/inspiration gathering, and just relax.

More or less, that's what I've been off doing. In the midst of all that relaxing, I resigned from one job and started another, apartment hunted all over scottsdale, shopped until I dropped, joined a gym, got a personal trainer & wore heels almost every single day. So the internet portion stopped, but everything else exploded!

During the craziness, I found my new favorite coffee shop (okay second favorite, Lola still wins). Carmel's on Camelback is the perfect short drive from my house, and I have a feeling I'll be spending a lot of time here.

My friend Courtney has the amazing ability to be a gatherer. Do you know people like that? They have a gift of getting the perfect group together, coordinating everyone, finding new places to check out, and everyone is always up to attend. This particular morning she managed to convince the other Phoenix Style Collective ladies and her two sisters to all meet at Carmel's at 7am. On a Sunday. And everyone came! I could never do that.

It was the first time we were reunited with our friend Chelsea, who has been away in Colorado all summer. There was a lot of coffee chugging that morning, but a lot of laughing, hugging and an overall feeling of whole-ness. It's amazing being friends with such a great group of strong, motivated individuals. Each person had something exciting to share that morning, whether it was work related, school related, house-buying related or personal. They're so inspiring!

I tried to participate but was entirely too enthralled with my breakfast & its pretty plate. 

Go to Carmel's. You won't regret it. And certainly won't miss it as you're driving along Camelback when this bad boy jumps out at you. Ha!


1 comment:

Reading your comments is the best, it makes my day! ❤K