Friday, December 23, 2011

{Holiday Cheer}

My annual christmas blog break started a few days earlier than expected, and I couldn't be happier. I'm back in Seattle for this first time in a year, days have been overcast, foggy and beautifully dreary. 

{my mom's beautiful red & white themed christmas tree}

{mother & daughter christmas pants}

{my ornament to chris}

{chris' ornament to me - look familiar?}

{my favorite early christmas present from the boyfriend!}

Wishing you all the merriest happiest last days of the holiday season, dear readers! Posting will be back again in the new year. Until then I'll be baking up a storm, visiting with friends & family, and trying to get sick of the rain. I'll of course still be posting to instagram (find me at: sparklefarkle!), and of course to twitter. Happy new year!


  1. How precious are your matching pjs?!!? So cute!!!

    I looooooveeee those MK earrings. Big points, boyfriend, big points!

  2. Haha thank you Kara! The worst part is we didn't plan the sweaters. Accidental twins:)

    Xo, katherine

  3. Those earrings are so pretty- love them!

    1. Thank you! So pretty, I'm lucky he has great taste:)

      ❤ Katherine

  4. My mom and I do matching PJs too ;) and I'm dying over those MK earrings. Happy New Year! We should all do a Phx blogger meet up sometime!!

  5. i love your PJ's picture :)

    xo Nav

    1. Thank you! We get a new pair every few years, these were my favorite yet!

      ❤ Katherine


Reading your comments is the best, it makes my day! ❤K