Wednesday, May 23, 2012

{A Standstill}

You know those days, days where your to-do list is so long, you have so many appointments to make, plans to accomplish, work to prepare for, dishes & laundry & packing & cleaning & organizing to do...that you do nothing? And just kind of stare off in the distance? I'm a master of that look.

Sigh. Chances are, this is my own fault. I'm a procrastinator by nature, and "one of the most unorganized organized people in the world", I've been told. When it comes to work, I'm on time, get my work done, and was born to organize meeting notes and client info. At home? Explosion.

Somedays I just can't bring myself to spill my work organization over to my personal life. Most of the time I try pretty hard to keep everything in place & planned ahead of time, but some weeks...

So yes I may have made oatmeal this morning in a Christmas mug that I had to pull out of my packed away holiday kitchen goodies, which I may have eaten with a ladle really big spoon, and I may have had to skip the gym since I don't have any clean athletic gear, but my nails matched my sweater. And that my friends, is a win.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Katherine! I'm a new reader of your blog and I'm passing along the Liebster Blog award to you!! I love your Powderoom fashionista posts. You can check out the post about the award here..
    Hope you have a great holiday weekend!


Reading your comments is the best, it makes my day! ❤K